1) What are the effects of your personality factors on your own learning?

2) When you become e teacher, what do you do for students who have different personalities?

3) Is there posibilty to decrease negative effects of personality factors and could we lead this to more positive way?

4) What do you think about importance of empaty, and how do you use it in your own class?

5) What is your opinion about risk-taking?


  1. Duygu Fatma ŞAFAK Said:

    1) What are the effects of your personality factors on your own learning?

    Of course, our personality have certain influences on our learning like lots of things in our life. For example, I like learning by practicing, doing by myself. Linguistics interests me because it requires problem-solving. I may sometimes be obsessed even with the smallest detail or contradiction. And if I cannot be satisfied with the given answer for that contradiction or am not given a clear proof, I might not accept it. I also like structured teaching. That is to say, I’m in favour of following certain sequences in lecture, but rather being taught irregularly. Moreover, I prefer seeing teachers’ presentations during lecture to only listening to teacher; notwithstanding, this choice may change according to the contents of lectures. Sometimes I might avoid asking the questions in my mind in the lecture and later try to answer them with the help of my friends or my teacher outside the class. I’m not good at creativity or open- ended or philosophical questions. I also think that being extraverted or introverted might change according to some conditions, such as teacher, classmates or the classroom atmosphere.

  2. Duygu Fatma ŞAFAK Said:

    5) What is your opinion about risk-taking?

    I believe that risk-taking can be examined from its both positive and negative points of view.
    Initially, the fact that students ask a question or answer the questions is a sort of risk taking. This is an assertive aspect of risk taking because all the ideas are valuable to share with teacher and our classmates. Our opinion might be rather creative and true. Asking the questions which come to our mind is the only way to get rid of our doubts.
    On the other hand, risk taking may be considered as unfavorable, inasmuch as there is a possibility that students might give a wrong answer, and their questions might be unrelated or easy. Consequently, students may be afraid of being discouraged and losing face in the presence of their friends.
    As for me, I might regard risk taking as both positive and negative from time to time. I dare say that teacher affects this change mostly. If a teacher, who immediately responds to my answer as true or false, ignores what I’m saying because my answer is false, I’m discouraged and hesitant about my idea, and prefer keeping silent.

  3. Kübra ŞIK Said:

    1) What are the effects of your personality factors on your own learning?

    First of all, my personality has a huge effect on my learning. As, I don’t like to memorize the things in fact i am not good at the courses that requires memorizing like history. I like to learn sth. by watching or touching or practising it. So, i beleive that i am good at the lessons like geography or maths. In fact i have a different kind of personality so, i have some learning moods and if i am in the mood of that lesson i can learn easily. Also I like to study and learn in the morning before the breakfast. Otherwise, i cannot consantrate on my topic regularly and eagerly. I also have difficulty in understanding one by one private courses. So i prefer to take courses in classroom environment through my education life. It was an unbelievable side of me I think:)

    and so I think my personality shapes my education life and learning style in a huge amount

    Kübra ŞIK

  4. Kübra ŞIK Said:

    2) When you become e teacher, what do you do for students who have different personalities?

    I think it is such an ordinary situation that students may have differen personalities. And also I want different students in my classroom because, to give a lecture always in the same way makes me distracted. For each personality I beleive there is a different style to give the lecture and to teach. So, in the classroom environment ı would try to teach via different ways to make everybody understand. And I really like classroom environments like that. So I would be a kind of teacher that tries to be understood by each student.

    I also believe that students with different personalities allow their friends to be more flexible in the classroom and to repeat and learn the topic effectively.
    So as a candidate of teacher I will have pleasure to see different characters in my classroom:)

    Kübra ŞIK

  5. Burcu YILMAZ Said:

    4) What do you think about importance of empaty, and how do you use it in your own class?

    I think using empathy allows you to connect with the student and allows them to be comfortable with you. When this connection is made the student will rarely cause disruptions in the class. It also allows teachers to feel good about connections they have with their students.
    It can be difficult, as our students can sometimes anger or frustrate us. But they must know that we care and that we are on their side. Even in the midst of disciplining students, I think empathy must be present.
    In short, the presence of empathy in our interactions with students helps that to occur, and often is the key to gaining students’ respect, trust, and love

  6. Burcu YILMAZ Said:

    1) What are the effects of your personality factors on your own learning?

    Learning how to learn is an empowering experience, and discovering our learning style can lead to an increase in achievement and self-confidence. What is more, we should be prepared to expand our learning style repertoire so that we will be more empowered to learn in a variety of learning situations. I dont think that we are totaly one ‘type’, but somewhere between the two. Our aim must be to strengthen the areas where we are weak..

  7. Ece Şahin Said:

    2) When I become a teacher, of course, I will have many students with different characteristics as nobody is the same with another. Also, in my opinion, such difference is necessary for a teacher in order to develop him/herself in that of teaching techniques. my students are going to have different styles of learning and I am going to apply different strategies of teaching for them. And I am sure that I will love preparing such kind of sophisticated lessons.

  8. Feyza SÜTCÜ Said:

    2) When you become e teacher, what do you do for students who have different personalities?

    When I ebcome a teacher in the future, I hope that I will be able to do my best for mys students. They will all be quite different from each other. They will come from different regions, backgrounds and cultures. They all have different families and brought up according to their criteria. So, it is quite normal for them to have different personalities and reflections. They all express themselves differently, show completely different reactions, different styles. A teacher should be acceptable to all of them and tery to undesrtand them . If s/he agrres or disagrees wth them, s/he should not reflect this very much. Also, I think that a teacher should not show his or her side about a topic. There could be different opnions about it. Furthermore, s/he should not deal with the controversial subjects i a class.Rather, more social and commo subjects will be better. All in all, I will try to follow these points and be tolearant and acceptable to them. My approach towards them should be equal.

  9. erhanyamanel Said:

    1) What are the effects of your personality factors on your own learning?

    It effects in the way that I can be distracted from the lessons if the subject is too abstract. For exampIe, I like the lessons in which we can actively participate in lesson and change things in it. I think we should have a quality that we can study in almost every environment but I am disturbed by even smallest noises. Also, while I am learning new subjects, I always have some prejudices. It is difficult factor for me as I try to escape from the subjects looking confusing or having much subtitles.

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